Come experience the joy, beauty, aliveness, creativity and deep spirituality of Jewish Renewal!
We are a vibrant, welcoming, egalitarian community that embraces spiritual connection, heartfelt prayer, lively study, musical and artistic expression, movement, Tikkun Olam, social justice, Eco-Kosher, Kabbalah, Mussar and other evolving approaches to connect our Judaism and The Source of Life.
In addition to occasional Shabbat and holiday gatherings, we share a wide variety of renewal inspired events, classes, and worship offered by local Jewish Congregations.
We are affiliated with ALEPH: The Alliance for Jewish Renewal (, which is a trans-denominational, inclusive approach to revitalizing Judaism. ALEPH combines "the socially progressive values of egalitarianism, the joy of Hasidism, the informed do-it-yourself spirit of the chavurah movement and the accumulated wisdom of centuries of tradition." Jewish Renewal seeks to fully include all Jews and all peoples, seeking to bring creativity, relevance, joy and an all-embracing awareness to spiritual practice and life.
We strive to open ourselves to awareness of the sacred in all of existence. We see ourselves in a crucial position at these times of paradigm shift and are committed to help develop a spirituality through which Judaism can transform itself to continued vitality in the service of tikkun olam—world and soul healing. ALEPH’s statement of Eighteen Principles emphasizes the principles and values that flow together from the Four Worlds of Being, Knowing, Relating, and Doing.
Everyone who crosses our path is a blessing to us. Since we are an ALEPH Network Community you may belong to any local Twin Cities or nearby Temple/Synagogue or you may be unaffiliated.
Paid Members receive invitations to Member privilege programs or services and may join our private Twin Cities Jewish Renewal Community Facebook Group.
To get our TCJRC newsletter, join our mailing list, get involved or share about Twin City Jewish Renewal events, please contact,
The Twin Cities Jewish Renewal Community
(TCJRC) and Mount Zion Temple are thrilled to host internationally-known Diane Bloomfield, the Israeli founder of TorahYoga ®, to lead a two-hour Torah Yoga
workshop for the Twin Cities. Her unique